Japanese bargains continued..


Following on from a previous post, here’s my take on a further few bargains I found when trawling through the TOPIX. Note: I’m not advocating any investment in these companies. As always: read the disclaimer. Also, I’ve indicated the date on which I purchased these stocks. Some time has elapsed since then. Numbers quoted are all effective as of the date of purchase. My initial screen focused only on those companies selling at a discount to net assets. There were various instances however of companies which were seemingly terrific businesses selling for net assets along with a p/e of 5x or 6x. Continue reading

Chasing Bargains in Japanese businesses


Over the past few months I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that finding bargain businesses in traditional shores has become more and more difficult. Now usually, when one bargain hunts, the ratio of genuine bargains to pieces-of-shit is on the lower end of the scale. Of late, this ratio has got out of hand though. There are still bargains but I’m having problems finding good enough one’s to stake anything in. I’m not pretending to be the world’s most competent bargain hunter but given my general outlook on this market, it reinforces my opinion that the American markets and a few international ones are overvalued. So what ‘s a miser to do?

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